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From creating career pathways to resume help, our job search services are designed to help job seekers prepare for and obtain full-time, permanent, and sustainable employment.
Learn MoreProviding a talented, capable workforce to fill available positions in the region is just one of the many ways we work to support local businesses and drive economic growth.
Learn MoreA variety of services surrounding education, work experience, and more. Please call to determine your unique eligibility requirements and pathway.
Learn MoreFrom creating career pathways to resume help, our job search services are designed to help job seekers prepare for and obtain full-time, permanent, and sustainable employment.
Learn MoreProviding a talented, capable workforce to fill available positions in the region is just one of the many ways we work to support local businesses and drive economic growth.
Learn MoreA variety of services surrounding education, work experience, and more. Please call to determine your unique eligibility requirements and pathway.
Learn MoreThe Western Maryland Consortium is an entirely grant funded regional workforce development agency dedicated to assisting the general public in the Washington, Garrett, and Allegany counties of Western Maryland. Our mission is to facilitate skill enhancement and employment opportunities across the region, effectively providing the residents of Western Maryland the ability to obtain full-time, sustainable employment that guarantees a self-directed and fulfilling lifestyle.
Learn MoreInsight and resources provided by certified staff members designed to empower you along your career path.
Stand out from the crowd, highlighting valuable skills and unique abilities on a resume carefully crafted by one of our Certified Professional Resume Writers.
Personalized support and guidance tailored to your unique journey and abilities, provided every step of the way.
Hands-on experience and training in in-demand industries in the region to prepare you personally and professionally.
An assortment of resources from internet access, technology, and phone lines - all provided with the guidance of a staff member capable of answering questions and providing leads.
Tailored assessments provide clarity and direction for your professional journey, including pathways to GED/Diploma attainment.
Guidance designed to optimize job search and return in a highly digital world. Navigating job search engines, identifying trigger words, and more.
Maryland’s Recovery Friendly Workplace (RFW) model offers a framework for employers to support employees and their communities that struggle with facing mental health and substance use challenges.
After almost two decades as a production specialist with a local brewing company, Lisa was unexpectedly laid off. She arrived at WMC in hopes to explore her options and was connected with a Career Counselor who assessed her circumstances, goals, and …
LisaZachary was high school dropout who feared that his lack of education and occupational skills would impede on his ability to provide for himself and create financial stability. Zachary arrived at the Consortium with passion and drive, diving …
ZacharyBryson was a participant in WMC's youth program, a recent high school graduate with limited employability skills. He had worked a part time job with no room for growth and he realized he wanted more for his life. With a strong interest in the …